August 29, 2008 by Christoff Truter C# ASP.NET
Creating composite controls in can prove to be quite
a tedious process at times, when it comes to the actual HTML the control renders.
Especially since design-time support for composite controls are quite limited.
Consider the following piece of HTML, how would one go to work to render this from a control?
<table> <tr> <td> <input name=" txtUrl" type="text" id=" txtUrl" style="width:470px;" value="http://" /> </td> <td> <input type="submit" name="btnDisplay" value="Go" id=" btnDisplay" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <iframe id="ifBrowser" width="500px" height="500px"></iframe> </td> </tr> </table>
protected Button btnDisplay = new Button(); protected TextBox txtUrl = new TextBox(); protected HtmlGenericControl ifBrowser = new HtmlGenericControl("iframe"); protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { writer.WriteFullBeginTag("table"); writer.WriteFullBeginTag("tr"); writer.WriteFullBeginTag("td"); txtUrl.ID = "txtUrl"; txtUrl.Text = "http://"; txtUrl.Width = new Unit(470); txtUrl.RenderControl(writer); writer.WriteEndTag("td"); writer.WriteFullBeginTag("td"); btnDisplay.ID = "btnDisplay"; btnDisplay.Text = "Go"; btnDisplay.CommandName = "Click"; btnDisplay.RenderControl(writer); writer.WriteEndTag("td"); writer.WriteEndTag("tr"); writer.WriteFullBeginTag("tr"); writer.WriteBeginTag("td"); writer.WriteAttribute("colspan", "2"); writer.Write(">"); ifBrowser.ID = "ifBrowser"; ifBrowser.Attributes["width"] = "500px"; ifBrowser.Attributes["height"] = "500px"; ifBrowser.RenderControl(writer); writer.WriteEndTag("td"); writer.WriteEndTag("tr"); writer.WriteEndTag("table"); base.Render(writer); }
protected Button btnDisplay = new Button(); protected TextBox txtUrl = new TextBox(); protected HtmlGenericControl ifBrowser = new HtmlGenericControl("iframe"); protected override void CreateChildControls() { HtmlTable mainTable = new HtmlTable(); HtmlTableRow firstRow = new HtmlTableRow(); HtmlTableRow secondRow = new HtmlTableRow(); mainTable.Controls.Add(firstRow); mainTable.Controls.Add(secondRow); HtmlTableCell firstRowFirstCell = new HtmlTableCell(); txtUrl.ID = "txtUrl"; txtUrl.Text = "http://"; txtUrl.Width = new Unit(470); firstRowFirstCell.Controls.Add(txtUrl); HtmlTableCell firstRowSecondCell = new HtmlTableCell(); btnDisplay.ID = "btnDisplay"; btnDisplay.Text = "Go"; btnDisplay.CommandName = "Click"; firstRowSecondCell.Controls.Add(btnDisplay); firstRow.Controls.Add(firstRowFirstCell); firstRow.Controls.Add(firstRowSecondCell); HtmlTableCell secondRowfirstCell = new HtmlTableCell(); ifBrowser.Attributes["width"] = "500px"; ifBrowser.Attributes["height"] = "500px"; ifBrowser.ID = "ifBrowser"; secondRowfirstCell.Controls.Add(ifBrowser); secondRowfirstCell.ColSpan = 2; secondRow.Controls.Add(secondRowfirstCell); this.Controls.Add(mainTable); base.CreateChildControls(); }
public abstract class EmbeddedUserControl : CompositeControl { protected Control UserControls; public T Control<T>(string id) where T : Control { this.EnsureChildControls(); return (T)UserControls.FindControl(id); } protected override void CreateChildControls() { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string name = this.GetType().Namespace + "." + this.GetType().Name + ".ascx"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name))) { string content = sr.ReadToEnd(); UserControls = (DesignMode) ? new LiteralControl(content) : Page.ParseControl(content); } this.Controls.Add(UserControls); base.CreateChildControls(); } }
Re: Events February 15, 2012 by Christoff Truter
Hi there, wow its been quite a while since I've looked at this post hehe. I imagine to solve this issue you will most likely have to look into something like event bubbling, seen over here -> But I will have a look at it for you as soon as I get a gap.