Apple will ruin us all!

February 2, 2009 by Comedy  

For a while now I've been a bit concerned about where apple's naming conventions are heading - when it comes to their products. (Which I believe will ultimately lead to the destruction of all mankind, armageddon)

a Quick search on the net reveals the pattern, iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iLounge, iBook, iLife. I believe apple will one of these days decide to finally register the letter i as their trademark.

The li®terature of the future mi®ght end up qui®te strange, eventually bri®ngi®ng down all ci®vi®li®zati®on. Google recently joi®ned the whole i® revoluti®on as well, wi®th thei®r i®Google.

Potenti®ally thi®s mi®ght lead to huge court battles, si®nce thi®s i®s i®nfri®ngement on apple's ri®ghts. Forci®ng the search engi®ne gi®ant to rename i®ts product!

Google wi®ll end up havi®ng to rename i®t eGoogle, google brings out all ki®nds of new eProducts to compete wi®th apple on every front; eventually regi®stering the letter e as thei®r trademark.

Thi®s i®s whe®re® thi®ngs ge®t worse®, communi®cati®on hi®nge®s on the® ve®rge® of collapse®

Si®nce® e®conomi®c ti®mes are® qui®te® bad all ove®r the® world, pe®ople wi®ll avoi®d usi®ng any of the®se® le®tte®rs.

n an attmpt to sav costs. Soon compans lk Mcrosoft wll jon n, ralsng that thy'r somhow mssng out on an opportunty to potntally mak vn mor mony.

Mor and mor compans wll jon n, ultmatly rgstrng th rst of th alphabt.

O®n®l®y® t®h®e® s®u®p®e®r® r®i®c®h® w®i®l®l® b®e® a®b®l®e® t®o® b®r®i®n®g® o®u®t® a®n®y® f®o®r®m® o®f® l®i®t®e®r®a®t®u®r®e®, l®e®a®d®i®n®g® t®o® t®h®e® e®n®d® o®f® k®n®o®w®l®e®d®g®e® a®n®d® u®l®t®i®m®a®t®e®l®y® o®u®r® d®e®m®i®s®e®.®

I would like to thank the German government for their donation of 10 Trillion Euros to make this post possible.

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Not the only November 22, 2009 by ST

Google's is not the only case, also Novell's iFolder has a "i" name.