August 4, 2011 by Christoff Truter C#
In part 1 we had a look at how to get the OCR "engine" up and running, in this post we're going have a look at how
to use the SDK itself.
Under the samples folder of the SDK supplied by IRIS you'll find some C++/C# and examples, but I feel these
samples are too bulky, so in this post I am going to show you in just a few lines of code the basics of using this SDK.
Observe the following snippet:
using IDRSNET; static string ImageToText(String imagePath) { using (OCRContext context = new OCRContext(Languages.English)) using (Reader reader = new Reader()) { reader.SetOCRParameters(context); reader.SetOrientationDetectionParameters(true, true); using (Page page = new Page()) { using (Doc doc = new Doc()) { page.LoadSourceImage(imagePath); reader.ReadFmt(page); DocPage docPage = doc.ConvertPage(page); return docPage.GetText(); } } } }
static class Extensions { public static String GetText(this DocPage docPage) { using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { foreach (DocZone zone in docPage.Zones) { foreach (DocLine line in zone.Lines) foreach (DocWord word in line.Words) { foreach (DocBlob blob in word.Blobs) sw.Write(blob.Text); sw.Write(" "); } sw.WriteLine(); } return sw.ToString(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (IDRSLicenses licenses = new IDRSLicenses()) { FileInfo[] files = new DirectoryInfo(@"c:\ocr\temp").GetFiles("*.jpg"); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"c:\ocr\text.txt")) { foreach (FileInfo file in files) { string content = ImageToText(file.FullName); sw.WriteLine(content); } } } }
class IDRSLicenses : IDisposable { LicenseDRS _licenseDRS = new LicenseDRS(); LicensePreprocessing _licensePrepro = new LicensePreprocessing(); LicenseFormatting _licenseFmt = new LicenseFormatting(); LicenseImageFile _licenseImageFile = new LicenseImageFile(); public IDRSLicenses() { SetupKeys(); SetupModules(); } // Retrieve licenses from app.config private void SetupKeys() { _licenseDRS.LicenseType = _licensePrepro.LicenseType = _licenseFmt.LicenseType = _licenseImageFile.LicenseType = LicenseTypes.Software; _licenseDRS.SoftwareKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LicenseDRS"]; _licenseDRS.ResourcesPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResourcesPath"]; _licensePrepro.SoftwareKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LicensePreprocessing"]; ; _licenseFmt.SoftwareKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LicenseFormatting"]; _licenseImageFile.SoftwareKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LicenseImageFile"]; _licenseImageFile.ExtensionsToLoad[ImageFileExtensions.JPEG] = true; _licenseImageFile.ExtensionsSoftwareKeys[ImageFileExtensions.JPEG] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageFileExtensions.JPEG"]; } private void SetupModules() { IDRSManager.SetupModule(ModuleTypes.DRS, _licenseDRS); IDRSManager.SetupModule(ModuleTypes.Preprocessing, _licensePrepro); IDRSManager.SetupModule(ModuleTypes.Formatting, _licenseFmt); IDRSManager.SetupModule(ModuleTypes.ImageFile, _licenseImageFile); } // We need to unload the IDRSManager once we're done, else we get an ugly exception public void Dispose() { IDRSManager.Unload(); } }
public static String GetMessage(this IDRSException ex) { switch (ex.IDRSErrorCode) { case 6005: return "Cannot talk to the license server on the specified host. The license server is not running."; case 6092: return "The given license code is invalid. Hence, it could not be added to this license server."; } return ex.Message; }
September 17, 2011 by Christoff Truter
Thank you for taking the time to share your product with us, will definitely have a look at it some time soon to assess how it measures up with other solutions (like IRIS).