Quick rundown of possible new C# 6.0 features (perhaps, maybe - I think)

January 19, 2015 by Christoff Truter

This post contains a list of features added to C# 6.0, based on the VS2015 preview, not sure how close we are to the official release, soooo this might, perhaps, maybe, possibly, conceivably, for all we know be some of the new C# features.


Proof of Concept - JavaScript Mediator Framework

January 13, 2015 by Christoff Truter

Plugins you write will require no additional dependencies but would survive in whatever habitat it lives in, this is what this post and proof of concept is all about.

JavaScript   Architecture  

JavaScript Tip - Benchmarking

January 7, 2015 by Christoff Truter

Over the last decade or so, JavaScript evolved quite a bit, mostly (if not primarily) thanks to the advent of Web 2.0 and technologies like HTML5 introducing powerful API's.


Google's new and improved reCAPTCHA - simple PHP implementation

January 5, 2015 by Christoff Truter - 1 Comment

I don't think I need to convince anyone of how annoying it can get to fill out a CAPTCHA - especially after your third attempt of trying to decipher some gibberish piece of text that you are seeing on the screen.

PHP   Google API  

NASA missions to follow in 2015

January 3, 2015 by Christoff Truter

This year is definitely the year of the dwarf planet, we can look forward to Dawn and New Horizons finally reaching their targets.

Astronomy   This post is closed for comments.