Online content censorship - South Africa

January 2, 2015 by Christoff Truter

An act similar in concern to SOPA and PIPA is being proposed by the FPB (Film and publication board) in South Africa, but unlike SOPA and PIPA, it doesn't seem to really bring any real benefit to the table for content creators.

South Africa  

Enhance Customer Registration Process with Cutting-Edge Solutions from Card Scanning Solutions Inc.

November 4, 2013 by Steven Smith

To meet the growing security and user registration demands of organizations today, the ability to accurately and quickly extract and store electronic identification information is vital. Card Scanning Solutions Inc.


JavaScript Threading - Part 2 (Worker)

December 18, 2012 by Christoff Truter

Unlike timers a worker runs in an isolated thread, which allows us to run intensive tasks without blocking the UI/parent thread.

JavaScript   Threading  

JavaScript Threading - Part 1 (Timers)

December 18, 2012 by Christoff Truter

In the first part of this series we're going to have a look at timers (setTimeout and setInterval functions)

JavaScript   Threading  

MS SQL: Parameter Sniffing

May 21, 2012 by Christoff Truter

A while ago one of our clients reported a bit of a peculiar performance problem when accessing a certain report in one of their systems.